CN Associates offers training classes on a variety of topics related to radiation protection.  Our instructors are highly qualified and are considered industry experts on these topics.  We can offer these training classes at your site or virtually to meet your training needs. 

Alpha Controls

As a principle investigator for industry standard guidance in ALPHA controls, we can provide detailed training on the topic suited to meet your needs. Standard topics include:

  • Alpha emissions and their detection
  • Internal hazard of alpha radiation
  • Defining the alpha source term
  • Implementation of workplace controls
  • Individual monitoring for alpha exposure
  • Operating Experience

ALARA Program for Nuclear Power Plants

ALARA programs are one of the fundamental programs in a Radiation Protection Program.  This course is designed to provide the students with an understanding of the key program elements, including as a minimum:

    • The regulatory basis for the program
    • Work planning including TEDE ALARA reviews, work in progress reviews and the use of engineering controls
    • Planning and tracking progress of the work
    • Dose and source term reduction
    • Dose reduction plans
    • Operating experience presented in case study format

Radiation Safety Officer


The purpose of this 40 hour program is designed to provide an RSO with the fundamental knowledge of the hazards and associated safety precautions when dealing with radiation and radioactive materials.


The course will focus on radiation protection fundamentals and basic radiation protection program requirements to ensure safety of the workforce and members of the public.  Upon completion of the course the attendee will understand:

  • Basic atomic physics
  • Types of radiation
  • Biological effects of radiation
  • Detection and instruments to measure radiation 
  • Requirements of the RSO position and associated regulations

Content/Program Models

  1. Basic Role and Requirements for the RSO
  2. Basic Atomic Physics and Mathematics overview
  3. Radiation Units for Measurement
  4. Radiation Interaction with Mater
  5. Radiation Detection and Measurement
  6. Instrumentation
  7. Biological Effects of Radiation
  8. Basic Radiation Protection Principles – controlling contamination and radiation 
  9. NRC Regulations
  10. Transportation of Radioactive materials and sources
  11. Program and Licensee Specific Requirements
  12. Leak test of sources and devices
  13. Documentation and record keeping 
  14. Radiation Emergency Procedures


This course is designed to give the student a fundamental working knowledge of internal dosimetry concepts.  The course will be provided at a practical level focusing on the key program aspects to implement an internal dosimetry program, including:

  • Internal dose control and concepts
  • Industry Standards for internal dosimetry
  • Key programmatic aspects of an internal dosimetry program
  • Internal dose calculations and software (IMBA, etc.)
  • Internal Dose Case studies

Courses Specifically Designed to Your Situation

CN Associates can develop and deliver a course in all radiation safety topics designed to meet your specific training needs.  The course can be presented virtually or on-site and can vary in length from a quick seminar to more complex topics.  Contact us and we can provide a cost-effective solution to meet your training requirements.

Contact us to see what we can offer